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infinite path Martial Arts, Self Defense, Natural Fitness. Custom e Learning, Private Instruction. Est. 2002.

Christopher Scafone. Northern MI. (248) 284-3242
IPMA Video Library:
Enroll in Async Training: Techniques, forms/applications, routines, study guides, assignments, instructor feedback on your techniques. Monthly recurring until canceled by student.
Enroll In Online Courses: Learn the 8 basic blocks (7 sidesteps, 1 hard block) of northern Shaolin Yue Chia with 5th degree black sash Christopher Scafone. One-time fee, 60 days access.
Spiritual martial arts, Moments of solo practice
Infinite Path: Spirit Rising
Rising (3)
Fall Aether
Value Yourself
Practice Joy - Christopher Scafone
Rising (2)
Wisdom Through Skill
Golden Basics
Higher Dimensions
November Canopy
Serpents, Scorpions
Private Instruction with Christopher Scafone
Available via Zoom meetings or In-Person (locally).
Contact to learn more/schedule private instruction. Complete New Student Survey below.
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